Thursday, 9 February 2012

"Working 9 to 5"...Not that bad today Dolly.

Yesterday I was at the end of working one of my regular 6 day weeks! I can't say I love them.

I was starting to flag at work and people were asking if I was okay. But I had things to do and a meeting to go to so I tried to crack on. When I got home I had a house to clean, tea to cook and a delicious daughter to stimulate. The thought of the looming list of jobs to do at home didn't exactly make the day at work go quicker. (Except for the bit that involved playing with my baby. She still blows my mind!).

 Anyway, in my meeting about things that won't interest you, my team leader told me how important I was to her team, and how valuable my opinion and input is to her. That my potential is great and should things ever change, I would be a loss to her team.
Although in my tired state I did well up, this was such a wonderful way to get me through my lingering chores and more importantly to feel useful.
Everyone likes to know that they are doing a good job. At anything I guess. 
 My husband often tells me that I'm a good mummy. More than I tell him he's a good daddy (which he really really is).

 Humbly, it feels so rewarding to be told that you're good at something. 
 I like feeding people. Cakes mainly. I could quite easily do that weird thing and just sit and watch people eat them. I feel so fulfilled when they are pleased with what they are eating. I feel a little more complete every time! My brother in law is probably the best person in the whole entire world to feed. He uses words like 'stunning' and he makes all kinds of noises as he just stares at the baked goody in front of him. The joy that it brings me is very real. (Hence the dream of being a baker, which I'll tell you about another time)

I digress, my point (I think), is that the praise I got from my wonderful team leader pretty much got me through the rest of my day. It was such good timing. It's important for me to praise people more often. I think telling someone they are a good'un is as enjoyable as being the recipient of such a compliment.
 I'll start when Mr M gets home. 

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